development diary

Myco moon

New mushroom website just dropped, as they say

the official live version is just a placeholder --

This is the development version --

My friend is starting a business that will sell medicinal mushroom products, things like lion's mane tinctures and what have you. The focus being more on medicinal, government sanctioned mushrooms vs recreational ones.

the gritty details

The website started out using square as a CMS and payment processor. That was working alright, then I left it alone for a couple months, and when I opened it again nothing worked. I'm not sure if it's due to errors on square's side of things, or a method of culling inactive sites from their CDN/CMS. Anyway, I then switched it to use commerce.js, which is a CMS for online stores. I don't think they are also a payment processor. I think you would use it in addition to square or stripe or something.

The key element here is the same as most of my projects -- which is that it is free to use these things. That's right, it costs nothing to host this website + shopping CMS. I imagine shopify would be a little bit nicer, but they have a monthly fee of like $30.

It's amazing to me how much you can do for free. It is hosted on netlify too, which I am a fan of.